Why an Inauguration Parade Etc. with Covid 19?

Teresa Larson a concerned citizen of the U.S.

The Real Estate Agent in me says there has to be a better way to handle the present situation at Nations Capitol. Sad to say but the Capitol area White House  and all should be closed to the public and the new President Biden should move in peacefully and quietly no celebration. Cancel the Inauguration ceremonies or do them online. Celebrate later with crowds after COVID -19 and the Pandemic is safely behind us.

Impeaching a Waste of Time-Evict President Trump If He Does Not Leave

Impeaching president Trump and more would be a waste of time. He and his staff should be escorted out by an eviction process if they do not leave.  The president no longer has the right to be in the White House. The President and his family staff etc. could be escorted out by an eviction process if they don’t leave.

Yesterday’s crowd at the Capitol were not representation of the people of the United States of America

The protest at the Nations Capitol was not a representation of the United States of America. It was a group of fanatical people that support President Trump and have disregard for law and order. They were called out by President trump. It caused terror to some, death to some, destruction to property, a further strain on already stained cash flow for city and federal forces ultimately involved. I will give president trump the benefit of the doubt, surely, he didn’t know what consequences would happen from him shooting off his mouth again!  It has been on the news now non stop. I am at fault for watching!

Democrat and Republican name calling

I am tired of the Democrat and Republican name calling. I truly hope that we can put this behind us and begin acting like a Nation and a Government that cares about it’s people. Focus on now and the future when the new  President, Vice pres., Senators, Representatives and all start legislating again. I hope the people in charge can think about the people of the nation instead of the Democratic party and the Republican party platforms. What about Americans? I worry about my children and grandkids future. I hope that we don’t spend millions of tax payer’s money trying to prosecute Trump and impeach, imprison etc. He is already voted out by the process in place. His reputation is ruined. Leaders of our country and people in general need to begin to see the consequences of their actions and truly think about the betterment of our nation and the situation of the people of our nation.

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About Teresa Larson

Over 20 years real estate experience in the greater Salt Lake City, Utah area. Licensed as an Associate Real Estate Broker in Utah since 2006. Attended ERA Real Estate Top Gun Academy, Certified New Home Specialist. Numerous years of various real estate continuing education. Associates Degree in Business from Salt Lake Community College 2014, Certificate of Proficiency in Web and Graphic Design from Salt Lake Community College 2013. Served the community for 16 years. (1984-2000) as PTA President at Arcadia Elementary, PTA President at Bonneville Junior High, PTA board member for 8 years at Oquirrh Hills, Arcadia Elementary and Bonneville Junior High. Room mother for 12 years! Graduated from Clearfield High School. Currently working at Village Real Estate in Murray, Utah. servicing the greater Salt Lake City, Utah area. Focusing on Salt Lake and Davis counties.