What I Know for Sure-Buyers be Prepared March 23, 2021

What you are up Against as Buyers/ Multiple Offers

We have had multiple offers going on here in the Wasatch Front area off and on since at least 2016. Prior to 2020 the multiple offers were more in the spring peak selling season tapering off in the late summer, fall and winter with buyers interest increasing in the early spring. Multiple offers meant getting a few offers as a buyer you were not going up against as many offers as you are now. The huge influx of buyers here in the Wasatch Front due to various reasons has made 2020 get a little crazy for buyers competing against each other to buy homes, 2021 is the same if not worse. Some buyers are even sending cookies to the sellers hoping that sweetens the deal for them!

Multiple Offer Ideas….

©Teresa O Larson PC,  March 23,2021