Your home could be the ultimate savings account. Think long term and how you would like to achieve financial independence. Paying a little extra each month could bring you towards no house payment sooner. Wouldn’t it be nice not to have to worry about your house payment because your home is paid off!  The other scenario, maybe you knew when you bought your home that you would want to move up eventually.

Pay Extra Month 

It is simple just pay an extra amount each month to your mortgage company for your home loan. Make a note on the statement stub when paying by check, or in the payment online that this is going towards principle reduction. Your loan balance will go down quicker and you will see more equity in your home sooner……..more

by Teresa Larson,  Village Real Estate, Murray Utah
20+ years  real estate experience
(801) 750-5446

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About Teresa Larson

Over 20 years real estate experience in the greater Salt Lake City, Utah area. Licensed as an Associate Real Estate Broker in Utah since 2006. Attended ERA Real Estate Top Gun Academy, Certified New Home Specialist. Numerous years of various real estate continuing education. Associates Degree in Business from Salt Lake Community College 2014, Certificate of Proficiency in Web and Graphic Design from Salt Lake Community College 2013. Served the community for 16 years. (1984-2000) as PTA President at Arcadia Elementary, PTA President at Bonneville Junior High, PTA board member for 8 years at Oquirrh Hills, Arcadia Elementary and Bonneville Junior High. Room mother for 12 years! Graduated from Clearfield High School. Currently working at Village Real Estate in Murray, Utah. servicing the greater Salt Lake City, Utah area. Focusing on Salt Lake and Davis counties.